Next, we leave you the link so you can download the SSSPSX emulator. If this is your case and the SSSPSX emulator does not open the game of your interest, you only need to go to the configuration window inside the emulator and select a different distribution until you find the right one. The SSSPSX emulator comes preconfigured and ready to use, so it is only recommended to change the configuration in case of failures in the visualization of the loaded game.

The last update of this emulator was made in 2006 so it may occasionally present failures.It does not require BIOS installation, so you can just install the emulator and run the games you want.Allows you to play any PSX console title.If you do not have a copy of The Legend of Dragoon you can. With SSSPSX Emulator 0.0.34 you will have all the plugins and the original BIOS of the console, to enjoy the games you want. ePSXe (Windows and Linux) - Used by: LODFan, ChetYouBet and WikiaPhoenix. Downloading the SSSPSX emulator in its version 0.0.34 is simpler than it seems and from this emulator you can enjoy the best collection of PlayStation 1 games.